Welcome 2 Bowling Coaching Clinic

Welcome 2 Bowling Coaching Clinics are a great way to introduce the sport of bowling to a new audience and help create lifelong bowlers.

Retaining bowlers after the first season is an on-going challenge for associations across the country. Over the past five years, more than 50 percent of first-year members have not returned after the first season.

This program will give bowlers the chance to keep improving and enjoy the sport, and provide associations the necessary tools to strengthen their membership.

Below you will find guides, resources and marketing materials to help build your Welcome 2 Bowling Coaching Clinic.

•  General information
General information about the program as well as an example of a successful clinic in Michigan.

•  How-to guide
A short and simple guide to make your Welcome 2 Bowling Coaching Clinic a success.

•  Meeting with the center
Information that will be useful when communicating with a potential proprietor.

•  Participant document
Have your coaches look over this document and distribute to each participant. This document outlines several bowling fundamentals to help bowlers quickly improve.

•  Timeline
The timeline provides a visual aid in making sure nothing is overlooked and helps to keep everyone focused and on task.

•  Email template (free)
Use this template when you begin to send out invitations. It is designed to promote a free Welcome 2 Bowling Coaching Clinic.

•  Email template (cost)
Use this template when you begin to send out invitations. It is designed to promote a Welcome 2 Bowling Coaching Clinic and includes an area for cost.

•  Flier
Attach this flier to Welcome 2 Bowling Coaching Clinic emails or print to display at the hosting center.

•  Coaches presentation
This PowerPoint presentation will aid coaches if a classroom session is to take place prior to on-lane instruction. The presentation coincides with the participant document so students can follow along.